Product Details
Grand Terran Sovereign Republic (GTSR)
Mosasaurus Hoffmanii Super Destroyer
Scale: Fleet (very nominally 1:10000th)
Size (Bounding Box): 256.7mm x 79.79mm x 53.30mm
The terrifying bulk of the Mosasaurus Hoffmannii Super Destroyer is perhaps the most concerning development to come out of the Grand Terran Sovereign Republic fleet. More even than just the size of the vessel itself is what it represents. The appellation of “super destroyer” instead of “super-cruiser” indicates the ship is considered something that will be, far from a rarity, but relatively common – a ship of the line, even. Furthermore, the use of both a genus and species name indicated that the GTSR intended to make more than one variant of the leviathan.
The age of the super-cruiser has largely past. The construction of vessels miles in length built began soon as technology allowed it. For several decades, an arms race began across the galaxy to construct these massive vessels – but ultimately, they proved to be a failure. As the number of places to defend grew larger and the distances between them greater, the investment of resources into a single massive vessel proved to be too much. In addition, the vessels were so large that the amount of tonnage that had to be devoted to just propelling them at a relative snail’s pace. Smaller vessels ultimately proved to be more efficient.
However, time and technology has marched on, and it seems once again, functional vessels or larger sizes are beginning to become feasible again.
The Mosasaurus represents an investment of material that, of the human powers, only the GTSR could afford to make, drawing on the bulk of human space. Though over 2.5 kilometres long, this is deceptive, since the massive tail accounts for a little under half this length. In terms of mass and volume, the Mosasaurus is “only” about 70% of the size of the Cybertank Colloidal, the most common super-cruiser currently encountered in the modern era. Nevertheless, this presents a very intimidating profile. Of all the GTSR ships, the Mosasaurus most resembles its name sake. The rear flippers are homaged by additional heat-sinks, and the forward flippers serve as additional weapon-mounting points.
The Mosasaurus flies with surprising speed given its size, reaching as much as 5.1mc acceleration. The majority of this power comes from the two massive, purpose-built primary engines. As with the Varanus, these engines also provide the thrust-vectored manoeuvrability, though this is less surprisingly poor, rated at nearly 46 MEUs. The remaining four smaller engines only contribute to the acceleration.
Unusually, the Mosasaurus sports significant electronic warfare capabilities. The lines of masts on the tail and towers on the upper hull are emitters for no less than eight ECM suites and eight standard-size starship communications arrays. This provides enough paired ECM systems and communications arrays to create seven jamming beams – enough to jam an entire typical squadron of escort vessels or a pair of enemy capital ships, while still leaving an ECM system for its own use and maintaining communications with the fleet.
The primary armament is also atypical, consisting entirely of huge particle beam turrets. One pair of triple turrets is located on the forward “flippers,” and carries the same triple particle beams as mounted on the Varanus Komodoensis and Kourisodon, each with an output of 626TXq and a 600 000km engagement envelope. Eighteen more turrets, using the same weapon but in pairs are placed around the hull. While each turret has an output of around 417TXq, six of the emplacements cover the narrow rear arc where the forward-most six turret cannot bring to bear; so these smaller turrets can “only” bring 5008TXq of energy to any one target. It is believed that the smaller turrets were used to provide wider coverage and more responsive tracking (as they are simply smaller than the triple turrets), as the Mosasaurus has the additional mass and volume to accommodate them.
Forty-two point-defence blisters dot the Mosasaurus’ surface. Thirty of these are outfitted with LZI-2400 Herosine Arms lazer cannons, with a combined output of 4850TXq. The remainder are the 502TXq-output disintegrators first spotted on the Varanus.
This weapons payload, supplemented by the electronics warfare capability, make the Mosasaurus a threat that cannot be ignored. With weapons accuracy envelopes with its energy weapons comparable to the galactic standard’s missiles and torpedoes, its low mobility is somewhat negated. It is a veritable challenge to enemy fire, but has the defences to weather the storm. The hull armour alone has an AIC rated to 8400TXq – though it is only a single armour layer composite. The shields boast twice that, with a rating of 16800TXq. The Mosasaurus thus encourages enemies to itself, away from smaller vessels, functioning as a floating fortress for its fleet.
Intelligence suggests that the GTSR intends to make numerous Mosasauruses, and deploy them likely one or two per sector. The sheer size is likely to intimidate most pirates, whom will be immediately at risk, given the Mosasaurus’ long-range weapons.
Mosasaurus Hoffmanii Super Destroyer
Scale: Fleet (very nominally 1:10000th)
Size (Bounding Box): 256.7mm x 79.79mm x 53.30mm
The terrifying bulk of the Mosasaurus Hoffmannii Super Destroyer is perhaps the most concerning development to come out of the Grand Terran Sovereign Republic fleet. More even than just the size of the vessel itself is what it represents. The appellation of “super destroyer” instead of “super-cruiser” indicates the ship is considered something that will be, far from a rarity, but relatively common – a ship of the line, even. Furthermore, the use of both a genus and species name indicated that the GTSR intended to make more than one variant of the leviathan.
The age of the super-cruiser has largely past. The construction of vessels miles in length built began soon as technology allowed it. For several decades, an arms race began across the galaxy to construct these massive vessels – but ultimately, they proved to be a failure. As the number of places to defend grew larger and the distances between them greater, the investment of resources into a single massive vessel proved to be too much. In addition, the vessels were so large that the amount of tonnage that had to be devoted to just propelling them at a relative snail’s pace. Smaller vessels ultimately proved to be more efficient.
However, time and technology has marched on, and it seems once again, functional vessels or larger sizes are beginning to become feasible again.
The Mosasaurus represents an investment of material that, of the human powers, only the GTSR could afford to make, drawing on the bulk of human space. Though over 2.5 kilometres long, this is deceptive, since the massive tail accounts for a little under half this length. In terms of mass and volume, the Mosasaurus is “only” about 70% of the size of the Cybertank Colloidal, the most common super-cruiser currently encountered in the modern era. Nevertheless, this presents a very intimidating profile. Of all the GTSR ships, the Mosasaurus most resembles its name sake. The rear flippers are homaged by additional heat-sinks, and the forward flippers serve as additional weapon-mounting points.
The Mosasaurus flies with surprising speed given its size, reaching as much as 5.1mc acceleration. The majority of this power comes from the two massive, purpose-built primary engines. As with the Varanus, these engines also provide the thrust-vectored manoeuvrability, though this is less surprisingly poor, rated at nearly 46 MEUs. The remaining four smaller engines only contribute to the acceleration.
Unusually, the Mosasaurus sports significant electronic warfare capabilities. The lines of masts on the tail and towers on the upper hull are emitters for no less than eight ECM suites and eight standard-size starship communications arrays. This provides enough paired ECM systems and communications arrays to create seven jamming beams – enough to jam an entire typical squadron of escort vessels or a pair of enemy capital ships, while still leaving an ECM system for its own use and maintaining communications with the fleet.
The primary armament is also atypical, consisting entirely of huge particle beam turrets. One pair of triple turrets is located on the forward “flippers,” and carries the same triple particle beams as mounted on the Varanus Komodoensis and Kourisodon, each with an output of 626TXq and a 600 000km engagement envelope. Eighteen more turrets, using the same weapon but in pairs are placed around the hull. While each turret has an output of around 417TXq, six of the emplacements cover the narrow rear arc where the forward-most six turret cannot bring to bear; so these smaller turrets can “only” bring 5008TXq of energy to any one target. It is believed that the smaller turrets were used to provide wider coverage and more responsive tracking (as they are simply smaller than the triple turrets), as the Mosasaurus has the additional mass and volume to accommodate them.
Forty-two point-defence blisters dot the Mosasaurus’ surface. Thirty of these are outfitted with LZI-2400 Herosine Arms lazer cannons, with a combined output of 4850TXq. The remainder are the 502TXq-output disintegrators first spotted on the Varanus.
This weapons payload, supplemented by the electronics warfare capability, make the Mosasaurus a threat that cannot be ignored. With weapons accuracy envelopes with its energy weapons comparable to the galactic standard’s missiles and torpedoes, its low mobility is somewhat negated. It is a veritable challenge to enemy fire, but has the defences to weather the storm. The hull armour alone has an AIC rated to 8400TXq – though it is only a single armour layer composite. The shields boast twice that, with a rating of 16800TXq. The Mosasaurus thus encourages enemies to itself, away from smaller vessels, functioning as a floating fortress for its fleet.
Intelligence suggests that the GTSR intends to make numerous Mosasauruses, and deploy them likely one or two per sector. The sheer size is likely to intimidate most pirates, whom will be immediately at risk, given the Mosasaurus’ long-range weapons.